Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day tips for Going Green


If we re-used and re-purposed everything at least once, we’d have a lot less waste, and a lot smaller landfills.  Here are a few things you can easily re-use or re-purpose:

-       Water bottles.  I found a company recently who re-uses water bottles, puts a sprayer on top, and sells organic fertilizer inside.

-       Newspapers.  Remember making fun crafts with paper mache?  Get some balloons and get crafty!

-       Plastic Grocery Bags.  I re-use mine to pick up doggie-doo.  They’re great for storing your wet towels and bathing suits on the ride home from the beach or pool too.

-       Milk Cartons. I cut open a half gallon milk jug and made a dirt scoop with the handle left on, and used a gallon milk jug, spray painted black, as a planter on my porch.

-       TP and Paper Towel rolls.  Re-use the cardboard for Timmy’s hamster, or create all sorts of easy creative crafts for the kids.

-       Wine Bottle. If you’re artistically inclined, you can paint designs or flowers on the bottle and turn it into a vase.

-       Single Sock.  How long has that sock been lonely? Re-purpose it by using it as a dust rag, or cut it up and make ties for plants.

-       Egg Carton.  Germinate your seeds, cut off the lid and keep jewelry easy to find.

-       CD spindle.  This is by far the most clever thing I’ve seen in the re-use forum – use your old CD spindle to carry BAGELS!  I’ve used paper towels and baggies too often to bring my bagel to work, and end up throwing them away. (the bags, not the bagel!) Stack your bagel with the works and everything stays in place.


A great website to help keep you motivated:, 2 ladies who address all the tiny choices we make on a daily basis.

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